Discography of Godowsky's Studies on Chopin's Etudes

The discography includes complete recordings only and is cronological with respect to date of recording. I welcome any additions or corrections.

"They are probably the most impossibly difficult things ever written for the piano." (Harold C. Schonberg)

Year Date Pianist Cover Label Reference Comments
2022 6-8 October Konstantin Scherbakov Marco Polo 8.225385 Volume 2 of the complete studies
2020 May David Stanhope Tall Poppies TP901 (DVD) The complete studies on Chopin's op. 25, including
the Chopin originals and introductory remarks by

The set excludes single-note version of no. 28.

Earlier recording (January 1998) of op. 25/6 is found
on Tall Poppies TP135.
2019 28-30 January Konstantin Scherbakov Marco Polo 8.225372 Volume 1 of the complete studies
6-8 April
12-13 July
Emanuele Delucchi Piano Classics PCL0122
In 2016 Delucchi performed the complete op. 10
three times (Rome, Milan and Chiavari) and the
complete 54 studies were performed in two
concerts in Milan on 22-23 March 2018.
2012 April David Stanhope Tall Poppies TP230 (CD)
TP900 (DVD)
The complete studies on Chopin's op. 10, including
the Chopin originals and introductory remarks by
Stanhope (DVD only).

Earlier recording (January 1998) of op. 10/5 is found
on Tall Poppies TP135.
2010 n/a "Michael Nanasakov" Nanasawa
JNCD-1012 Produced with computer and Yamaha discklavier
by Junichi Nanasawa.

Nanasawa names the virtual pianist Michael
Ivan Ilić Paraty 311.205 The complete studies for the left hand alone.
2005 n/a Attr. Joyce Hatto Concert Artist CACD 9147-2
CACD 9148-2
This "recording" is a hoax, refer www.farhanmalik.com:

Joyce Hatto's husband prepared the "recording"
on the basis of Hamelin's and Grante's (Altarus)
complete recordings and Ian Hobson's Arabesque
recording of 18 selected studies.
2000 7-9 January Carlo Grante Music & Arts CD-1093

6 October
23, 24, 26 August

29-31 August
Marc-André Hamelin Hyperion CDA67411/2 Hamelin has recorded several individual studies
on other discs, refer Hamelin discography
n/a Carlo Grante Altarus AIR-CD-9092
Published 1993, 1995 and 1998. No recording date

The set excludes single-note version of no. 28.

Grante performed the complete set at the 1995
Newport Festival.
26 January
13 March
Francesco Libetta Libetta
private tape
live recording
Filmed at two concerts at Milan Conservatory.

Libetta first performed the complete studies in
1990 in Galatina, Italy, at the age of 22. Also in
2006 in Naples and Florence. In 2010 he performed
the complete set in one day in Brasilia.

A DVD release was indicated in International
Piano Quarterly (1999 spring issue), and on Libetta's
homepage in 2000. However, not yet published.
1989 Summer Geoffrey Douglas Madge Dante PSG 8903/04
PSG 8905/06

Established 26 November 2011. Latest update 1 January 2024.

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